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    Top Medical Laboratory and Research, Press release and news information from 24-7 Press Release Newswire
    Press Release and Top Medical   Laboratory and Research News From 24-7 Press Release Newswire
    1. Considering the major societal disruptions brought on by government mandates responding to the COVID19 pandemic, all communities owe their residents an objective review of the mandates imposed.
    2. Katherine Hester, MD, PhD, RAC, is noted for her success in clinical research and regulatory submissions
    3. Mohanlall Narine, PhD, is a senior scientist at Quest Diagnostics
    4. CMV is known to be present in semen of HIV-infected men, factors leading to shedding of each virus are unknown. Studies determining the efficacy of adding anti-CMV treatment strategies to HAART on lowering the semen burden of CMV are urgently needed
    5. The 18th Annual Pain Therapeutics Summit, a premier event bringing together leading experts in pain research and therapeutics, will take place from October 28th, 2024 to October 29th, 2024 in Boston, Massachusetts.
    6. A data driven report on the spread of COVID 19 in Middlesex County, Massachusetts
    7. A summary of assisted reproductive technology testing needs and outcomes during COVID travel lockdown (April, 2020 to March 7, 2022) for couples with infectious disease infertility.
    8. Wava Truscott, PhD, MBA, channels years of expertise into her work Truscott MedSci Associates, LLC
    9. Anupama D. Ravi, PhD, is an expert in biomarker operations as an associate director at Revolution Medicines Inc.
    10. Lynn Todd is a distinguished laboratory director and founder of From Ow to WOW LLC



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